Rakesh & Anusha wedding wishes from our blog

Hi every one,
one more event was occured On 7th April.  Rakesh resigned for Bachelors group and joined in uncles group. Anusha who stepped into his life.
We bless this couple and pledge, now and forever, to support and strengthen this marriage.
We are here in support today of Rakesh & Anusha as they promise to face the future together, accepting whatever may lie ahead

P.S.: arey uday beside me is D. Santhosh (dabba) he is doctor from our section. and other one every one knows our school athletic Yakub Ali

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  1. congrats ra Potti Rakesh :-).... wish you a happy married life..

  2. Congrats ra Rakesh. Wish you A Happy Married Life:)
    Orey TN photo sariga chudu ra:(

  3. Congrats Rakesh. Wish you a happy Married life. Very sorry could not attend your marriage.

  4. Congrats rakesh . Wish you happy married life

  5. Congratulations!! Have a blast
